It’s not every day someone gets to have a full-circle experience. But that’s what happened when Dr. Kazemy partnered with Floyd Lee Locums last fall.
Born in Afghanistan, Dr. Kazemy attended medical school in Kabul and was a practicing physician for his community. It was a tumultuous time in the country’s history—and he eventually escaped political persecution through Pakistan with his wife and daughter. Through the United Nations and other agencies, Dr. Kazemy applied for refugee status, and in 1981, was approved to come to the United States.
As a refugee in America, Dr. Kazemy took odd jobs while working to become a doctor once again. The medical school in Afghanistan that he attended was UNICEF-approved and provided a path for him back to medicine. Over the next few years, he studied and passed all three medical exams, and eventually was able to pass his boards, which required being taken in English. From that point forward, he was back in the business of caring for others.
While his physician roles were fulfilling, Dr. Kazemy wanted to give something back to the country that took him in and helped him achieve the American Dream for him and his family. He started by joining the National Guard as a volunteer, and over time he began working at the VA (Department of Veterans Affairs), eventually joining the U.S. Air Force as a physician.
Today, Dr. Kazemy is retired, with an honorable military discharge. But, like many physicians, he didn’t want to just stop practicing medicine. “Being idle isn’t my style,” said Dr. Kazemy. “Performing locum tenens work allows me to take some time off, without being completely idle.” In 2021, Floyd Lee Locums gave him the opportunity to keep practicing—only this time, with a purpose close to Dr. Kazemy’s heart.
As the U.S. and its allies withdrew forces from Afghanistan, refugees were being evacuated, creating one of the largest humanitarian relief efforts in history. Dr. Kazemy jumped at the opportunity to work with these Afghan refugees arriving at the field hospitals on the East Coast. His impact was made all the more personal because he had been in their shoes decades before.
As soon as Dr. Kazemy would begin speaking without an interpreter, his Afghan patients were happy and comforted to see their physician was from their own culture and background. He was someone who could help bridge the gap between systems, facilities, and people for those arriving. In his own way, Dr. Kazemy was an example that gave them hope for the future—and belief that they, too, could be successful and find opportunity in the U.S.
For Dr. Kazemy’s part, this connection and opportunity was brought about through his partnership with Floyd Lee Locums and his concierge team of Nick Angellotti and Krista Kardashian.
“Nick was available day and night for my placement and any issue I had—and Krista was wonderfully helpful,” said Dr. Kazemy. “Everything was just so streamlined and organized. I never had anything to worry about regarding my placement because their communication was so strong.”
Floyd Lee Locums teams members say the feelings were mutual.
“It has been an absolute pleasure partnering with Dr. Kazemy,” said Floyd Lee Locums Healthcare Consultant Nick Angellotti. “He has such an amazing story, and I feel truly fortunate to have played a small part in helping him contribute to an important cause that was so near and dear to his heart.”
That generosity of spirit extended to everyone Dr. Kazemy touched at Floyd Lee Locums and the assignments he took on—especially his placement with Afghan refugees.
“When very few details surrounding this initiative were known,” said Nick, “Dr. Kazemy didn’t ask questions and instead dropped everything to make sure he could lend his vital skillset. Everyone who interacted with Dr. Kazemy on the base loved working with him—from the CMO on down to the support staff. Most importantly, I know those evacuees arriving will not soon forget Dr. Kazemy’s familiar face and voice that eased their difficult transition away from home.”
From his own time as a refugee to now getting to care for those recently displaced, Dr. Kazemy has gotten to see the long view of the American Dream. He still believes, very much, that it is alive and well in people charting their course here in the U.S. if they are willing to embrace the opportunity.
Floyd Lee Locums thanks physicians like Dr. Kazemy who continue to bring the best of themselves to healthcare every day. They are truly raising the standard of care across the country and showing why our industry has some of the best and brightest minds in the workforce.
If you’re a clinician looking to discover a new way of practicing medicine, contact us 24/7 at or at 843.900.4185.